Avant-garde Health has a new look.
You might have noticed our modernized logo, more vibrant color palette, and updated website. Here are a few fun facts you might not know about the rebrand rollout:
Our new logo is a nod to the original, taking design cues from a triangular prism of colors. We’ve taken the A-shape one step further by embedding the shape of the letter “G” as well.
We’ve introduced a dedicated Resources section on our website, making it easier than ever before for visitors to access the latest in Avant-garde News and Thought Leadership, and understand how peer organizations are driving impact with our solutions.
We are evolving. As a team, we’re growing. And through our value improvement and bundle payment solutions, we’re helping clients improve their patient care and operations like never before.
We want to thank you for joining us on this journey, and encourage you to let us know what you think. Feel free to email info@avantgardehealth.com with feedback.
Avant-garde Health and Titanium Healthcare partner to drive success in Bundled Payments
March 27th, 2019
Solution enables providers to achieve maximum benefits from CMS' BPCI Advanced initiative.