Understanding Volumes, Supply Costs, and Outcomes in Improving Spine Surgeries

Avant-garde Health Web Speaker Series
In this edition of the Avant-garde Health Web Speaker Series, Dr. G. Timothy Reiter, Director of Spinal Surgery and Associate Director of the Penn State Health Spine Center shares his perspectives on the current state and future of spine surgery. In this interview, Dr. Reiter discusses:
• The importance of collaboration with other specialties including Neuro, Pain Management, Rehab and others
• Evolving approach to spinal surgery, from a focus on doing more, to one of achieving better outcomes by doing less
• Providing guidance to residents on optimizing the recommended treatments for each patient based on individual needs and objectives
• Benefits of physician awareness of supply options, costs and impact on outcomes
Best Practices for Same-Day Total Joint Arthroplasties
February 17th, 2021
Avant-garde Health recently hosted a roundtable among our cohort members to discuss best practices on performing successful same-day TJAs.